


From my Junior High years to the second year of graduate work at the University of St. Thomas, I aspired to be a Catholic Priest. In my freshman year, I discovered the world of change agents. And….I was required to write a paper on the philosophy of death. Per change I found a book on the Seminary Library by Dr. Sivananda. His thinking became the core of my paper. To This day, he is my number one personal whole person transformation inspiration. He is the first dedication in my 3rd Edition on OD. What follows is my edit of one document among over 1,000 and books and articles’.
Who is God? What is God? Is there a God? Where is God? How to realize God?
All people want an answer to these eternal questions. Certainly there is God. God exists. He is the only reality. God is your creator, saviour, and redeemer. He is all-pervading. He dwells in your heart. He is always near you. He is nearer to you than your jugular vein or nose. He loves you. He can talk to you. You cannot find God by the intellect. But, you can find Him by feeling, meditation, experience, and realisation.
The Petromax (Aladdin lantern) does not talk, but it shines and sheds light all around. A rose does not speak, but it wafts its fragrance everywhere. The lighthouse sounds no drum, but sends its friendly light to the mariner. The Unseen beats no gong, but Its omnipresence is felt by the dispassionate and discriminating sage.
Behind all names and forms is the one nameless, formless Essence. God is nameless and formless. For our transcendental limitations God has been given many names since the beginning of civilization. My favorite is Yahweh. Yahweh is the covenant name of God. The name Yahweh occurs more than 6800 times in the Bible.
God has had 100’s of names in Christianity, i.e. the Trinity, Jehovah, Love (John 3:16)
Behind all governors is the one Supreme Governor of governors. Behind all lights is the one Light Of lights. Behind all sounds, there is the soundless Supreme Silence.
Behind all these perishable objects is the one imperishable Absolute. Behind all these motions is the one motionless Infinite. Behind time, minutes, and days is the one timeless Eternity. Behind hatred, riots, and wars is the one hidden Love.
God is the totality of all that exists, both animate and inanimate, sentient and insentient. He is free from ills and limitations. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. He has no beginning, middle, or end.
For Christians, he is Yahweh or the Father, Christ as the Son and Breath/Soul as the Holy Spirit.
For Hinduism – Krishan, Vishnu, Siva or Rudra and a thousands of other names.
For American Indians – The Great Spirit
For Islam – Allah plus 99 other names that a Muslim can not be given.
For Confucianism – Shang Ti
For Taoists – Tao
For Sikhism – Waheguru
God is the indweller in all beings. He is the life-force within all of us.
God is all in all. God is the only reality in this universe. The existence of things is by the light of God.
God is ever living. All depend on Him. He is not depending on any. He is the Truth, the light and the way.
Yoga means yoking or becoming One God or realizing Union or Communion with God. It is a practical discipline used by most of the major religions. Yoga has no dogma. God is the end or goal of all Yoga aesthetics.
God is the Centre towards which all things strive. He is the highest purpose or highest good of the world. You have the urge of hunger. There is food to appease the hunger. You have the urge of thirst. There is water to quench the thirst. There is the urge to be always happy. There must be something to satisfy this urge. This something is God, an embodiment of happiness. God, Immortality, Joy, Freedom, Perfection, Ecstasy, Peace, Bliss, Truth, Love are synonymous terms.
What is God? It is hard to tell. But, when I look at the Ocean. I know it is God. When I see a Rose. I know it is God. When I behold the blue sky, I know it is God. When I hear the chirping of birds, I know it is God. When I taste honey, I know it is God. When I see a Baby. I know it is God.
God is the alpha and omega; the beginning of transformation, the center of transformation and the end of transformation.
The Supreme is indefinable, though scholars in different dogmatic traditions give intellectual accounts of It which are not absolutely true.
Every person has his or her own conception of God. The God of a military man wears a helmet. The God of a China-man has a flat nose and a pipe for smoking opium. The God of a Hindu has marks on his forehead, and wears a rosary and a garland of flowers. The God of a Christian wears a Cross. For some, God has wings or is just nature.
Such an anthropomorphic conception of God is obviously puerile or naive. The greatest and most important thing in all the world is to get a right concept of God, because your belief about God governs your entire life as well as influences the experience of your destiny
God is beyond human imagination, but he is a living reality. Christ is no metaphysical abstraction. Yahweh is the fullest and the most real being; actually the full really real!!
The existence of God cannot be proved by scientific experimentation. Perhaps the computer will prove the existence of God. The Absolute baffles the mind of even the greatest scholar. It eludes the grasp of even the mightiest intellect. It is experienced as pure consciousness, where intellect dies, scholarship perishes, and the entire being itself is completely lost in It. All is lost, and all is found.
You want laboratory proofs? Very fine, indeed! Can the chemist wish to limit the illimitable, all-pervading God in your test-tube, blow-pipe, and chemicals. God is the source for your chemicals. He is the substratum for your atoms, electrons, and molecules. Without Him, no atom or electron will move, He is the inner ruler; the core of a transforming beings.
It is God who lends power to our senses, perception to our mind, discernment to our intellect, strength to our limbs. It is through His will that we live and die. But people vainly imagine that he is the actor and the enjoyer. An individual is but a conscious speck before the almighty, governing Power that directs the movement in the universe.
God’s will expresses itself everywhere as law. The law of gravitation, cohesion, relativity, cause and effect, the laws of electricity, chemistry, physics, all the psychic laws, are expressions of God’s will.
As we explain everything within nature by the law of cause and effect, so also, nature as a whole must be explained. It must have some cause. This cause must be different from the effect. It must be some supernatural entity, i.e., God.
Nature is not a mere chance collection of events, a mere jumble of accidents, but an orderly affair. The planets move regularly in their orbits; seeds grow into trees regularly; the seasons succeed each other in order. Now, nature is insentient. It is not conscious of itself like humans are. Nature cannot order itself. It requires the existence of an intelligent being-God-who is responsible for it. Even Einstein, the mystical scientist, was strongly convinced of the creation of the universe by a Supreme Intelligence.
Though you do not see the stars in the daytime, yet they do exist. Though you cannot see the sun during a cloudy day, yet it does exist. Even so, though you cannot see God with these physical eyes, yet He does exist. If you get the divine eye or the eye of intuition by the practice of meditation, you will behold Him.
God is self-proved. He does not want any proof, because He is the basis for the act or process of proving.
Where is God? There is nowhere where He is not. Just as one thread penetrates all the flowers in a garland, so also, one Self penetrates all these living beings. He is hidden in all beings and forms, like oil in seed, butter in milk, mind in brain, Prana or breath or soul in the body, foetus in the womb, sun behind the clouds, fire in wood, vapour in the atmosphere, salt in water, scent in flowers, sound in the I-pod, gold in quartz, microbes in blood.
God dwells in all beings as life and consciousness. God is in the roar of a lion, the song of a bird, and the cry of a babe. Feel His presence everywhere. God is the love between lovers.
See God in the wings, of a butterfly, in the letters Alpha and Omega, in the cough of a patient, in the murmur of a brook, in the sound of a bell. Behold the wonder of the Lord’s face in every object of this world.
Every breath that flows in the nose, every beat that throbs in the heart, every artery that pulsates in the body, every thought that arises in the mind, speaks to you that God is near.
Every flower that wafts fragrance, every fruit that attracts you, every gentle breeze that blows, every river that smoothly flows, speaks of God and His mercy.
The vast ocean with its powerful waves, the bright sun and stars in the wide sky, the lofty tree with its branches, the cool springs in the hills and dales, tell you of His omnipotence.
The music of the sweet singers, interventions of change agents, the lectures of the Powerful orators, the poems of the reputed poets, the inventions of the able scientists, the operations of the dexterous surgeons, the utterances of the holy saints, , the revelations of the major religions; speak of God and His wisdom.
Everything is God. Good is God. Misfortune is God. Greet God in everything and rest peacefully in ecstasy then bliss.
God pervades the entire universe. He moans in pain in the guise of the sick. God is my ill brother. He walks in the garb of a beggar. Open your eyes. See Him in all. Serve all. Love all.
Feel the Divine Presence everywhere-in every form, in every thought, in every feeling and in every sentiment, in every movement, in every emotion.
God, seen through the senses, is matter. God, seen through the intellect, is mind. God, seen through the spirit or Self.
You my friend art indwelt by the Lord. He is the inner ruler, guarding and controlling your life. He is in you and you are in Him. He is quite close to you. He is not very far, but is nearer to you than you are to yourself. You were thinking in the beginning that He could be found only in Church, Mecca, Jerusalem, sky or heaven. You had very vague ideas. This body is His moving temple. The sanctum sanctorum is the chamber of your own heart. Close your eyes. Withdraw from the sensual objects. Follow your breath as you still your mind. Search Him in thy heart with one-pointed concentrated mind, devotion, and pure love. Find him in sacred sex. You will surely find Him. He is waiting there with outstretched arms to embrace you. If you cannot find Him there, you cannot find Him anywhere else.
God is a question of supply and demand. If you really yearn for His communion or presence, He will reveal Himself to you in an instant.
You need neither art nor science, neither study nor erudition for God-realisation, but faith, purity, and devotion.
Fast, purify, breath, eat live food, have pure intentions to love all in the world. Use the ancient disciplines to bring God alive in your inner self.
Combine all the love you cherish towards all worldly objects-wife, son, wealth, property, relatives, friends-and then apply this combined love towards God. You will realise in this soon.
As we move into the Age of Aquarius, thousands will be graced with higher and higher forms and experiences of enlightenment.
To serve God and Mammon at the same time is impossible. You cannot enjoy the ecstasy then bliss of the Self and the sensual pleasure in one and the same cup. You cannot have light and darkness at the same time.
The Lord demands your whole heart.
Reduce yourself into zero before God. Only then will God completely take care of and guide you. Only then surrender becomes complete.
Forget your own interests, your own longings, your own desires. You will attain the bliss of the Supreme Self.
Crucify, sacrifice the lower self, if you wish to have union with God.
Empty your egoism. You will be filled with God. Lose your personality. You will find the Divine Life. You will realise God.
Dr. Sivananda edited by Roland disciple of Sivananda since 18 years young.


Names for God in the New Testament
Creator: John 1:3 (Jesus); Isa 40:28 (YHWH)
Savior: John 4:42 (Jesus); Isa 45:22; 43:11 (YHWH)
Raise the dead: John 5:21 (Jesus); I Sam 2:6 (YHWH)
Judge: John 5:27; Matt 25:31-46 (Jesus); Joel 3:12 (YHWH)
Light: John 8:12 (Jesus); Isa 60:19-20 (YHWH)
“I AM”: John 8:58; 18:5,6 (Jesus); Ex 3:14 (YHWH)
Shepherd: John 10:11 (Jesus); Ps 23:1 (YHWH)
Glory of God: John 17:1,5 (Jesus); Isa 42:8; 48:11 (YHWH)
First and last: Rev 1:17; 2:8 (Jesus); Isa 41:4; 44:6 (YHWH)
Redeemer: Rev 5:9 (Jesus); Hosea 13:14 (YHWH)
Bridegroom: Rev 21:2; Matt 25:1ff (Jesus); Isa 62:5; Hosea 2:16 (YHWH)
Rock: I Cor 10:4 (Jesus); Ps 18:2 (YHWH)
Forgiver of sins: Mark 2:7,10; Jer 31:34 (YHWH)
Worshiped by angels: Heb 1:6 (Jesus); Ps 148:2 (YHWH)
Addressed in prayer: Acts 7:59 (Jesus); throughout Hebrew Scriptures (YHWH)
Creator of angels: Col 1:16 (Jesus); Ps 148:5 (YHWH)
Confessed as Lord: Phil 2:11 (Jesus); Isa 45:23 (YHWH)


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