India: Whole System Transformation

Emerald Insight Journal, known as the holder of significant research in the world for libraries phoned me one day and asked me to write my lifetime learning.  They said you have a limit of two thousand words. I laughed. In the end my co-authors and I got it to 2500 words. The article became the top selection in their organizational change journal last year.

As you will read on my LinkedIn profile, my focus now is leaving the Lippitt, Dannemiller, Sullivan legacy to blossoming or distinguishedly experienced highly competent change agents.

Because of personal reasons I am choosing change agents in Asia, Africa and the Middle East  including Euroasia like Turkey.

My first request of them is to take my Emerald article and add their personality and tune it to the local culture.

Santosh and Divya have competently done so.

Click on the link below to read. Your feedback is welcome.

Organization Development – Managing Change: Engaging the Whole System

Allow me to repeat something. It is on my mind continually.

Recently The Drucker Institute met with 2500 people in Vienna. The conclusion of the conference was simply that the world’s organizations must transform themselves immediately. The second conclusion was that they and management worldwide does not know how to do it.

I know how to do it!!!!!

I coined the phrase Whole System Transformation in 1974.

Mastering something requires daily practice and client feedback on a daily basis. Such is what I’ve been doing for over 40 years.

Stay tuned. I want to share openly everything I know about leading transformation & change.

Lippit who wrote the first book ever on organization development in 1957 told me personally that he does not believe in charging for knowledge.

One Response to “India: Whole System Transformation”

  1. Roland Says:

    When we have time we will provide links to all the referenced articles. They are classic. Of course being a proud father I most recommend that you read my daughters article at Allstate insurance. When we have time, we will provide links to all the referenced articles. They are classic. Of course, being a proud father I most recommend that you read my daughters article changing Allstate insurance

    When I started the journey, there were no internal transformation agents. Now there are 20.

    If my daughter, at the age 25 can learn my structured process and create phenomenal results.. You can. I’ve learned how to transfer the process. She just sent me a picture of a standing ovation of a large group that she was the lead change agent on.

    The reference to of her history chapter is by Todd and Parker and A. Sullivan . It is called whole system transformation.

    It is called whole system transformation. In one of the early phases where I was leading the change they spent 6 million USD only to show a measured return of US$96 million

    Allstate measures everything. As a rule I do not talk about who I’m working with currently and I do not share results that I am achieving. Trust included confidentiality is of the utmost importance


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